
Hello Kitty Shinkansen

With my daughter, I am operating between Shin Osaka and Hakata,

I got on "Hello Kitty Shinkansen" ♪

The No. 1 car was sold in a variety of areas (8 prefectures, Osaka, Hyogo, Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi and Fukuoka in JR West) that were in touch with each other, and goods were also on sale.

The car No. 2 was decorated with kitty specifications because the seat was cute (^ ^)

Also on other vehicles, Kitty who was regionally designed was drawn.

The goods purchased are here!

T-shirt, spoon & fork set, gofl (2 can sets), long Baumkuchen, canned ramune.

Everything is cute ... (* ^ _ ^ *)

My daughter was pleased, it became a good trip ♪

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 たまたま寄ったコンビニで東京リベンジャーズの一番くじを見かけました。 A賞のマイキーのフィギュアが欲しくて、旦那・私・娘・息子で1回ずつ引いたら・・・ 娘・B賞フィギュア(黒川イザナ)‼️ 息子・C賞フィギュア(灰谷蘭)‼️ 旦那・キーホルダー💧 私・クリアファイル💧 さす...